Tips for Redeveloping a heritage Site
2023.01.18 Resources

What is required for the redevelopment of a heritage site?
In addition to the typical development application review process, heritage building sites have additional requirements and processes which include the following:
- Heritage Assessment Report: To confirm the heritage value of the existing buildings.
- Heritage Revitalization Agreement: Includes a Heritage Conservation Plan, Site Plan, Floor Plan, and proposed Recommendations and Revitalization Renderings.
- Heritage Conservation Covenant: To protect part or all of a heritage building including any actions that could damage the existing heritage features.
- Approval from the Municipal Heritage Advisory Committee and Panel: Required prior to City Council consideration.
- Property Tax Exemptions
- Heritage Restoration Grants to aid in the maintenance and restoration of heritage buildings
- Potential relaxations to variances, bylaw regulations, and land use densities
- Significant costs associated with additional assessments and reports, and also restoration requirements
- Complex and time-consuming process that can span over several years
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